Monday, November 30, 2015

Please review the buttons below.  I will send 10 buttons of your choice, free, if you agree to distribute them to people working for peace in the Holy Land.  Just send your name and address to  And please write a comment on this blog.

Salaam, Peace, Shalom,  Carol Wolman

Monday, November 9, 2015

Love Your Neighbor Buttons.

Love Your Neighbor Buttons


 These buttons can all be ordered at, by design code.  The company is reasonable, reliable and fast.  I have no relation with them, just want to see the buttons get to people, especially people in the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine).

The story behind the buttons:  A few years ago, I was praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
Jesus appeared to me in a vision (I'm not prone to visions), and said "I'm the only one who can reconcile Jews and Muslims, through My Law of Love Your Neighbor".

I made the English buttons soon after, and found they were very popular.  It took a few years to get the Hebrew and Arabic correct, with the help of Len and Libby Traubman.
They find the buttons in 3 languages to be very popular as well.

It's my prayer that people all over the world will order and wear these, so that the love of our neighbors will replace the endless war and hatred now ruining the planet.

Also, see the next post- God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, which comes directly from scriptures of all thress Abrahamic religions.

Salaam, Peace, Shalom,
Carol Wolman, MD


God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land

The website above contains a practical, workable peace plan for Israel/Palestine that conforms  to guidelines mutually acceptable to the sacred books of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. This is especially important because millions of the region’s inhabitants  base their land claims, as well as their directives for war and peace,  on what is written in the Bible and the Qur’an.

The title is “God’s Peace Plan for the Holy Land”, because the sacred writings of Jews, Christians and Muslims support it.  Whether or not one is a believer, it’s common sense and courtesy to honor the scriptures indigenous to and revered by all the peoples of the region.

The sacred books of all three religions agree on a one-nation, two sub-state solution based on pre-1967 War boundaries, with Jerusalem the shared national capital.  Right of Return and other issues are also addressed.

Here's the most succinct Bible passage that describes it:

Ezekiel 37:15-17.

  The word of the Lord came to me:   
          “Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it,
          ‘Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.’ 

          Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, 
         ‘Belonging to Joseph (that is, to Ephraim) 
          and all the Israelites associated with him.’
Join them together into one stick 

          so that they will become one in your hand.

And here's a brief, timely introduction and synopsis:

With daily stabbings in Jerusalem, there is lots of talk of a third intifada,
which could lead to open warfare, with its danger of nuclear war.
None of the proposed solutions has worked so far.  It's time to try
something new, something with a built-in aid to help the politicians

Synopsis of God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land

1) One Nation 
2) with the national capital an undivided Jerusalem. 
3) Two sub-states with their own civil administration, based on pre-67
War borders, excepting Jerusalem. 
4) Right of Return (ROR)    
 A) Full ROR for the West Bank (Ephraim)     
        B) Remuneration for land lost in Judah (what is presently called “Israel”)  
5) Freedom of Religion.

The unique value to this peace plan is that, because it is based upon the sacred books 
of all Abrahamic paths, politicians will have a politically-survivable basis for making compromise, 
which they can’t do otherwise  under present conditions. When things get out of hand, 
people are going to need the quickest and surest way out of the debacle.  Basing the solution 
on a pillar dear to each culture will make the process much easier to do. 

Furthermore, in order for peace to be real, the stories parents teach their children 
regarding the “others” will need to change, as will the way people perceive the slogan, 
“No Justice—No Peace”.   Chapters 2 & 3 of the Peace Plan provide a sound basis 
for indigenous rights for both groups.  As soon as both groups can be rightly perceived 
as indigenous, the only justice is  for both to have their fair share,- and peace is the result..

One aspect of the peace plan that is politically unfeasible at this point in time is-  
going back to the pre-67 war lines (except Jerusalem). No way will any Israeli government 
agree to that right now.   Nor can any Palestinian government accept joint-control over
Jerusalem.  Not now. 
But when people realize they have no other choice, they will agree to these painful changes. 
When things have gotten so badly out of control that there's a real possibility of outside
intervention and a high-tech war about to break out over the entire Holy Land--each side will
be praying to the Almighty for deliverance. Maybe they'll even be desperate enough to listen
to what Creator left for them so they could both survive this moment in time..I suspect that's
the time the peace plan will be welcomed with open arms. Too bad people can't come to their
senses prior to that.




Love Your Neighbor Buttons

 These buttons can all be ordered at, by design code.  The company is reasonable, reliable and fast.  I have no relation with them, just want to see the buttons get to people, especially people in the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine).

The story behind the buttons:  A few years ago, I was praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
Jesus appeared to me in a vision (I'm not prone to visions), and said "I'm the only one who can reconcile Jews and Muslims, through My Law of Love Your Neighbor".

I made the English buttons soon after, and found they were very popular.  It took a few years to get the Hebrew and Arabic correct, with the help of Len and Libby Traubman.
They find the buttons in 3 languages to be very popular as well.

It's my prayer that people all over the world will order and wear these, so that the love of our neighbors will replace the endless war and hatred now ruining the planet.

Also, see the next post- God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, which comes directly from scriptures of all thress Abrahamic religions.

Salaam, Peace, Shalom,
Carol Wolman, MD